
Welcome to my little corner of the kingdom, where I share my passion for history that digs; literally speaking, through my love of metal detecting and figuratively speaking, because I personally think history has never been so cool! Ok, if you are not convinced on that one, bear with me!

I'm Sophie, by the way and digging for history is my obsession, not only in the earth beneath my feet, but in the records, archives, stories and annals of time.

Join me as I share the artefacts I unearth, the facts I learn and stories I uncover through my love of metal detecting, historical research and reading.

I cannot get enough of our incredible island's historical past (and sometimes, beyond). Britain may be small, but we are indeed mighty. The landcape is rich in artefacts and archeological finds that paint a vivid picture of our past and the historical records that exist add to this incredible canvas, bringing to life the social history of our island.

Thanks for stopping by - I hope you do me the honour of staying a while and allowing me to geek out on the history I love.You never know, if you are still sceptical, maybe.....just maybe......... I can convince you that history really does dig!